Digital TransformationJordan 2023
Digital Transformation Summit

Digital Transformation Jordan launched its third edition in 2023 and was organized by The Great Minds Group under the patronage of Jordan’s Ministry of Digital Economy & Entrepreneurship. The event focused on next-gen technology along with global trends that change the future of digital transformation.

TSME was excited to participate in the event and emphasize the role it plays in the industry within Jordan and the region. Consultants and experts at the company were thrilled to engage with everyone and demonstrate TSME’s innovative offerings from artificial intelligence and machine learning to customer experience.

Digital Transformation Jordan was an opportunity for everyone to showcase their innovations, and their determination to empower the future of digital transformation.

Event Highlights

Digital Transformation Jordan brought together professionals and experts from various industries, discussing various concepts relevant to the digital revolution and the impact of digital transformation on organizations and businesses from all industries.

Several talks and conferences were organized during the event on multiple topics related to technology, digitization, and futuristic innovations that attracted the attention of many visitors who were eager to discuss different aspects and learn how the digital future will be shaped by a lot of the powerful minds of the world.

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